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  • Writer's pictureJules Winnfield

Tilson Family & Community Leaders Seek Governor Kemp to Remove Eric J. Levett from Office.

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

Rockdale citizens, we have a civic duty to ensure no other family goes through such a heartbreaking tragedy like the two deaths in the Rockdale County Jail. It is bad enough the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office has declined to a state of disgrace among our community. Everyone who has heard the story should be extremely concerned and outraged about how and why this happened. There are still a lot of questions that Eric Levett and his administration will not answer such as: How was Dan Lang able to maintain his employment? Why was he allowed to supervise inmates when he clearly was under investigation for stealing 43 guns from evidence? Why was he not fired and arrested? Why was Nikki Weathersby the designated  scapegoat? She had nothing to do with Dan Lang being transferred to the jail. She also did not have anything to do with the day-to-day protocols. (They were developed and implemented by Major Michael Kinlein.) Rockdale County Sheriff's Office documents list Major Michael Kinlein as the master jailer. Major Michael Kinlein oversaw the day-to-day operations of the jail, but his involvement was swept under the rug because of his personal relationship with Eric J. Levett. Yet again, another cover-up. It was also Major Michael Kinlein who chose to spend the jail maintenance budget on frivolous and unimportant items instead of repairing the emergency call button system. The system had been reported by many jail deputies as not functioning properly for years. The emergency call button system was only replaced after Shali Tilson and Jamie Henry’s untimely deaths.  Sources report that since the deaths of Shali Tilson and Jamie Henry in the jail, Eric J Levett and his administration are only now spending the money to have the emergency call button system removed and replaced with a fiber-optic system. They are also installing new high definition cameras to try and stave off some of the blame of mismanagement and negligence. This action alone proves there are problems in the jail and that Eric J. Levett and his staff refused to fix them. These much needed repairs were only made after two people lost their lives and a lawsuit was filed. These people have the audacity to  believe that they are qualified to keep their jobs. Eric J. Levett and his administration tried so hard to hide the video of Shali Tilson but the video ultimately surfaced after a deputy with a conscience leaked it. Eric J. Levett and his administration told lies to the Tilson and Henry families. There have been no comments issued about the jail video footage which exposed all of their lies. One would think that after the video of Shali Tilson’s final moments was leaked, Eric J. Levett and his administration would come out and apologize for the lies that were told and take full responsibility for the death of a young man and woman so that both families can start healing. This has not been the case for this incompetent and egotistical person who believes he is entitled to be the Sheriff simply because he is the first black Sheriff of Rockdale County. People of Rockdale County, don’t be fooled by the lies that Eric J.Levett and his corrupt administration are peddling. Eric J. Levett and his administration have proven to be liars. They have proven to be incompetent. Most of all, they have proven to be wrong for Rockdale County. Sources also report that Eric J. Levett will be making an announcement soon in regards to whether he intends to run for Sheriff in the 2020 election.

Our heart goes out to the deputies who must deal with such an incompetent leader. A leader who is so arrogant he honestly believes that he is still qualified to be the Sheriff of our county. People of Rockdale County, we must send a message that is loud and clear: Eric J Levett and his administration are not wanted in Rockdale County. We must all come together as one and push for a new Sheriff of Rockdale County. It is clear that Eric J. Levett and his administration will not take responsibility for any of the incompetent behavior or the mismanagement of the Sheriff’s Office...which makes them Wrong for Rockdale!

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